Privacyverklaring Amplooi


Amplooi en aan haar gelieerde labels verwerkt Persoonsgegevens en streeft ernaar om zorgvuldig en veilig gebruik te maken van Persoonsgegevens binnen de grenzen van de wetgeving.

Wat doen we met uw gegevens?

In deze Privacyverklaring beschrijven wij wie we zijn, hoe en voor welke doeleinden wij uw Persoonsgegevens verwerken, hoe u uw privacy rechten kunt uitoefenen en wat verder nog van belang kan zijn voor u om te weten.

Samenvatting en details

Om de informatie overzichtelijk te houden, is ieder onderwerp onderverdeeld in twee informatielagen. Eerst ziet u een samenvatting op hoofdlijnen. Als u meer gedetailleerde informatie wilt, kunt u die vinden door te klikken op de link ‘meer details’.

Duidelijk en leesbaar

We hebben ons best gedaan om alle informatie duidelijk en leesbaar op te schrijven. Heeft u na het lezen van deze Privacyverklaring nog vragen over ons gebruik van uw Persoonsgegevens, dan kunt u natuurlijk altijd contact met ons opnemen. Verderop in deze Privacyverklaring leest u hoe u dit kunt doen.


Wij raden u aan om ook onze aparte Cookieverklaring door te lezen. In die verklaring beschrijven wij ons gebruik van cookies en soortgelijke technologieën.

Aanpassingen Privacyverklaring

Als laatste willen we u nog meegeven dat onze dienstverlening zich ontwikkelt en daarmee ook onze Privacyverklaring. Wij raden u daarom aan regelmatig na te gaan of er aanpassingen zijn gedaan in deze Privacyverklaring, zodat u precies weet waar u aan toe bent. Helemaal onderaan in deze Privacyverklaring kunt u lezen wanneer het voor het laatst is gewijzigd. Bij ingrijpende wijzigingen zullen wij u op de hoogte stellen via e-mail.

Gehanteerde begrippen

De begrippen uit deze Privacyverklaring zijn (groten)deels gebaseerd op de definities uit artikel 4 van de Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (hierna te noemen: AVG). Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op ‘meer details’ en zie tevens artikel 4 van de AVG.meer detailsAVG: de Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming die per 25 mei 2018 in werking treedt.

Wie zijn wij en hoe kunt u ons bereiken?

Wij zijn een dienstverlenende onderneming, gericht op advisering en ondersteuning van Opdrachtgevers bij de mobiliteitsprogramma’s Re-integratie, Outplacement en/of Loopbaancoaching van personen/medewerkers (ofwel Betrokkenen) van deze Opdrachtgevers. Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op ‘meer details’.

Welke Persoonsgegevens verzamelen wij van u?

Wij verzamelen Persoonsgegevens via onze Opdrachtgevers, via de Arbodienst en/of bij uzelf (de Betrokkenen). Betrokkenen zijn veelal personen/medewerkers, die in dienst zijn van onze Opdrachtgevers of via bemiddeling van Opdrachtgevers aan Amplooi worden voorgedragen in het kader van de mobiliteitsprogramma’s Re-integratie, Outplacement of Loopbaancoaching.

Wij verzamelen verschillende categorieën persoonsgegevens:

  • Personalia

    (bijvoorbeeld naam, adres, woonplaats, e-mailadres, telefoonnummer)

  • Gezondheidsgegevens

    (bijvoorbeeld 1e ziektedag, Functie Mogelijkheden Lijst, resultaten van het Arbeidsdeskundig Onderzoek). De Verwerking van Gezondheidsgegevens geniet specifieke aandacht. Deze gegevens mogen alleen verwerkt worden voor zover dat noodzakelijk is voor een goede uitvoering van wettelijke voorschriften of voor re-integratie of begeleiding van de Betrokkenen in verband met ziekte of arbeidsongeschiktheid.

  • Traject informatie

    Gedurende de looptijd van een traject wordt informatie verzameld vanuit assessments, testen en coachingsgesprekken en verwerkt in voortgangsverslagen.

  • Accountgegevens

    (bijvoorbeeld gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord)

  • Marketingvoorkeuren

    (bijvoorbeeld of u zich heeft aan- of afgemeld voor de nieuwsbrief)

  • Interactiegegevens

    (bijvoorbeeld uw contact met de klantenservice of digitale en/of schriftelijke correspondentie)

  • Betalingsgegevens

    (bijvoorbeeld wanneer u zelf een traject bij ons inkoopt in plaats van uw werkgever zoals normaal het geval is)

De hierboven omschreven categorieën van Persoonsgegevens ontvangen wij zowel rechtstreeks van u, als via derden partijen voor zover dit in overstemming is met de wet.

Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op ‘meer details’.

Voor welke doeleinden verwerken wij uw Persoonsgegevens?

Onze werkzaamheden zijn hoofdzakelijk gericht op de advisering en ondersteuning van onze Opdrachtgevers bij de mobiliteitsprogramma’s Re-integratie, Outplacement of Loopbaancoaching. Wij streven ernaar zieke medewerkers (ofwel Betrokkenen) van onze Opdrachtgevers te helpen om terug te keren naar hun eigen werk of om ander werk te vinden dat aansluit bij hun kennis, vaardigheden en mogelijkheden. Daarbij kunnen wij Betrokkenen onder meer ondersteunen met coaching, een beroepskeuzetest, sollicitatietraining, scholing en cursussen.

Bij de volgende doeleinden verwerken wij uw persoonsgegevens:


Wij verzamelen en verwerken Persoonsgegevens voor de uitvoering van de met u en de met onze Opdrachtgevers afgesloten overeenkomst(en), administratie, communicatie, marketing en om te voldoen aan wettelijke verplichtingen.
Voor de uitvoering van kwaliteits- en managementdoeleinden maken wij zo veel als mogelijk gebruik van anonieme gegevens en dus niet van Persoonsgegevens. Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op ‘meer details’.

Meer details

Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op ‘meer details’.

Op welke juridische grondslagen baseren wij de verwerking(en) van uw persoonsgegevens?

De wet bevat een limitatieve opsomming van grondslagen die de Verwerking van uw Persoonsgegevens rechtvaardigen. Wij beroepen ons op drie van deze juridische grondslagen. Onze verwerking(en) van uw Persoonsgegevens geschieden namelijk ter uitvoering van een overeenkomst, en/of op basis van een gerechtvaardigd belang van Amplooi en/of op basis van uw Toestemming. Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op ‘meer details’.

Wat is het gerechtvaardigd belang van Amplooi bij de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens?

De Verwerking van uw Persoonsgegevens is nodig om een goede relatie in stand te houden tussen Amplooi en onze klanten, of voor behartiging van onze eigen redelijke zakelijke belangen. Bijvoorbeeld om onze opdrachtgevers te informeren over nieuwe producten, diensten en activiteiten, of om onze belangen te verdedigen in een eventuele juridische procedure. Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op ‘meer details’.

Aan wie verstrekken wij uw persoonsgegevens?

Wij kunnen uw Persoonsgegevens verstrekken aan derden in overeenstemming met deze Privacyverklaring en de wet. Voor het uitvoeren van het klanttevredenheidsonderzoek zoals het Keurmerk Blik op Werk ons voorschrijft, zullen wij uw contactgegevens doorgeven aan Panteia. Wij worden door sommige van onze opdrachtgevers en door het keurmerk verplicht om de klanttevredenheidsonderzoeken te laten uitvoeren door onafhankelijk onderzoeksbureau Panteia en hebben hiertoe een gerechtvaardigd belang.

Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op ‘meer details’.

Hoe lang worden uw persoonsgegevens bewaard?

Uw Persoonsgegevens worden verwijderd wanneer deze niet langer noodzakelijk zijn voor de hierboven beschreven doeleinden. Daarbovenop geldt dat Amplooi uw Persoonsgegevens in geen geval langer zal bewaren, dan wettelijk is toegestaan.

Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op meer details’.

Hoe kunt u uw persoonsgegevens beheren?

U heeft het recht de verzameling van uw Persoonsgegevens door ons in te zien, te rectificeren en/of te wissen. Daarnaast kun u bij ons uw volgende rechten inroepen: het recht op beperking van uw Persoonsgegevensverwerking, het recht op de overdraagbaarheid van uw Persoonsgegevens en het recht van bezwaar. Hieronder leest u waar en hoe u gebruik kunt maken van deze rechten. Daarnaast leest u over de termijnen, kosten en overige relevante informatie met betrekking tot het uitoefenen van uw rechten. Houd u er rekening mee dat wij aanvullende informatie kunnen opvragen om uw identiteit te verifiëren.

Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op ‘meer details’.

Kunt u uw toestemming later alsnog intrekken?

Indien u toestemming heeft gegeven voor een bepaalde Verwerking van uw Persoonsgegevens, dan kunt u deze Toestemming altijd intrekken. Houd er rekening mee dat de intrekking van uw Toestemming geen terugwerkende kracht heeft en dat het intrekken van Toestemming alleen mogelijk is wanneer u eerst Toestemming heeft gegeven.

Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op ‘meer details’.

Kunt u een klacht indienen?

Indien u een klacht heeft over het gebruik van uw Persoonsgegevens door Amplooi. Bijvoorbeeld omdat u vindt dat Amplooi niet zorgvuldig omgaat met uw Persoonsgegevens, of omdat u inzage of rectificatie heeft gevraagd van uw Persoonsgegevens, maar u niet tevreden bent met onze reactie. Stuur dan uw klacht naar t.a.v. de Functionaris Gegevensbescherming. Bent u het niet eens met de uitkomst van de klacht? Dan kunt u ook een klacht indienen bij de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. Klik voor meer gedetailleerde informatie op ‘meer details’.

Bent u verplicht persoonsgegevens te verstrekken aan ons en wat als u geen persoonsgegevens wilt verstrekken?

Voor Amplooi is uw verstrekking van Persoonsgegevens in sommige gevallen noodzakelijk. Bijvoorbeeld om een mobiliteitsprogramma uit te kunnen voeren of een dienst te kunnen leveren. Informatievelden die niet zijn gemarkeerd met een * vragen Persoonsgegevens op waarvan de verstrekking niet noodzakelijk is

Hoe zet Amplooi het gebruik van profiling in?

Wij maken geen gebruik van profiling en/of andere geautomatiseerde besluitvorming.

Wanneer is deze privacyverklaring voor het laatst gewijzigd?

Deze Privacyverklaring is voor het laatst gewijzigd op en geldig per 22 december 2021.

Hoe Amplooi passend werk mogelijk maakt

Wij zorgen voor inzicht in kwaliteiten en talenten. Hierdoor past het werk bij een medewerker en andersom. Zo vergroten werkgeluk én productiviteit. Dat noemen wij werken vanuit waarde.

Bekijk waar wij je bij kunnen helpen:

Ontvang onze nieuwsbrief

"*" geeft vereiste velden aan

Door dit formulier in te vullen geef ik toestemming voor het vastleggen en verwerken van de opgegeven persoonsgegevens.

Dit veld is bedoeld voor validatiedoeleinden en moet niet worden gewijzigd.

Privacy statement Amplooi in English

Amplooi and its associated labels process Personal Data and are committed to using Personal Data carefully and securely within the limits of the law. This Privacy Statement describes who we are, how and for what purposes we process your Personal Data, how you can exercise your privacy rights and anything else that may be of interest for you to know.

To keep the information clear, each topic is divided into two layers of information. First, you will see an outline summary. If you want more detailed information, you can find it by clicking on the 'more details' link.
We have done our best to write down all the information clearly and legibly. If, after reading this Privacy Statement, you still have questions about our use of your Personal Data, you can of course contact us at any time. Further on in this Privacy Statement you can read how to do so.

We recommend that you also read through our separate Cookie Statement. In that statement, we describe our use of cookies and similar technologies.

Finally, we would like to inform you that our services are constantly evolving and so is our Privacy Statement. We therefore recommend that you regularly check whether any changes have been made to this Privacy Statement, making sure you know exactly where you stand. At the very bottom of this Privacy Statement you can read when it was last updated. In case of substantial changes, we will notify you via e-mail. We are fully committed to using your personal data carefully and securely and, at a minimum, we comply with the following principles regarding the processing of personal data:

Legality, propriety, transparency:

Personal data will be processed in a manner which is lawful, proper and transparent in relation to the Person involved.

Purpose limitation:

l Data are processed only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. These purposes are concrete and formulated prior to the Processing. Personal Data will not be further processed in a manner which is incompatible with the purposes for which they were obtained.

Data minimisation:

In any Processing of Personal Data, the amount and type of data shall be limited to the Personal Data necessary for the specific purpose. The data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to that purpose.

Necessity and proportionality:

Processing of Personal Data shall be carried out in the least intrusive manner and shall be proportionate to the intended purpose.


Measures will be taken to ensure, as far as possible, that the Personal Data to be processed are accurate and up to date.

Integrity and confidentiality:

Personal data is adequately secured according to the prevailing security standards.

Retention limitation:

Personal Data shall not be processed for longer than is necessary for the purposes of Processing. In doing so, the applicable retention periods will be observed.

Terms used

The terms used in this Privacy Statement are (largely) based on the definitions from Article 4 of the Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter: AVG). For more detailed information, click on 'more details' and also see Article 4 of the AVG: the General Data Protection Regulation, which came into force on 25 May 2018.

Privacy Statement: this statement describing who we are, how and for what purposes we process your Personal Data, how you can exercise your privacy rights and anything else that may be of interest for you to know.
Personal Data: any data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (the Person involved).
Person involved: the person to whom the Personal Data relates.
Processing: any operation or set of operations involving Personal Data, including at least the collecting, organising, updating, modifying, retrieving, consulting, using, forwarding, merging, blocking, erasing and destroying of Personal Data.
Controller: the (operational) management of Amplooi, i.e. the person or entity that alone or jointly with others determines the purpose of and the means for processing Personal Data.
Processor: person or entity that processes Personal Data on behalf of the Controller.
Special Personal Data(s): Personal Data which by their nature are particularly sensitive deserve specific protection as the context of their processing may entail significant risks for the Person involved. Examples include data revealing racial or ethnic origin and processing of Data concerning health. Processing is prohibited unless the AVG makes an exception.
Health data: Personal data related to physical or mental health, such as illness, disability, disease risk, medical history, clinical treatment, patient number, test results, physiological or biomedical state of the Person involved, including past/future. In Amplooi's case, the Health Data concerning the Person involved are usually described in the Job Capabilities List drawn up by a medical advisor or the Occupational Health Survey drawn up by an occupational health expert.
Process file: the operational part of the file on the status of the assignment issued to Amplooi, which is listed in our Client Tracking System (Exact Synergy).
Special file: the part of the file concerning the status of the functionally workload possibilities derived from the assignment issued to Amplooi, which is listed in our Client Tracking System (Exact Synergy).
User of Personal Data: the person authorised under the direct authority of the Controller or Processor to process Personal Data.
Client: the person or organisation that has commissioned Amplooi to advise and support the Reintegration, Outplacement and/or Career Coaching of its employees..
Third Party: Any other person, not being the Person involved, nor the Controller, nor the Processor, nor the User of Personal Data.
Consent of the Person involved: Any free, specific, informed and unambiguous expression of will by which the Person involved accepts, by means of a statement or an unambiguous active act, Processing of Personal Data concerning him. Consent must be directed to a specific (category of) Processing(s).

Who are we and how to reach us?

We are a service company focused on advising and supporting Clients in the mobility programmes Reintegration, Outplacement and/or Career Coaching of persons/employees (or Involved Persons) of these Clients. For more detailed information, click on 'more details'.
We aim to help sick employees (or Involved Persons) of Clients to return to their own work or find other work that matches their knowledge, skills and abilities. We also help employees in developing their careers by providing them with coaching, a career test, job interview training, education and courses, etc..
We only provide Personal Data (including Special Personal Data) to our Clients to the extent strictly necessary to perform the task assigned to us by Clients to reintegrate or supervise Person involved.
Retention and Processing of Personal Data is necessary for our services. We exercise the utmost care when Processing Personal Data as misuse of Personal Data can cause great harm to Person involved, our Clients and Amplooi itself.
We are therefore committed to protecting the Personal Data provided to us and the way Personal Data is processed. Proper processing of Personal Data is the responsibility of the Amplooi management.
Together with our sister companies Adaptics Health & Performance B.V., De Bedrijfspoli B.V., Rienks Arbodienst B.V. and OnzeCoach B.V., Amplooi is part of the corporate group 'Prevermo Groep B.V'. Amplooi is situated in Leusden (3833 LB) at Storkstraat 28 and is registered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 813584450. Prevermo Groep is established in Nijmegen (6546BB) at Kerkenbos 1075 H and is registered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 69801533.
This privacy statement relates exclusively to Amplooi. We are a 'data controller' within the meaning of the AVG for the processing of personal data described in this privacy statement.
You can reach us by visiting the above address and we can also be reached by e-mailing and by phone to 088 - 0223888. A Data Protection Officer (hereinafter FG - fuctionaris voor de Gegevensbescherming) has also been appointed. This person will be our internal supervisor and will oversee our application of and compliance with the AVG. The FG will occupy an independent position within Amplooi. In future, you can reach the FG at This email address is already available for questions.

Which Personal Data do we collect from you?

We collect Personal Data through our Clients, through the Occupational Health and Safety Service and/or from yourself (the Person Involved). Those Persons involved are mostly individuals/employees, who are employed by our Clients or are presented to Amplooi through mediation by Clients in the context of mobility programmes Reintegration, Outplacement or Career Coaching.
We collect different categories of personal data:

  • Personal data (e.g. name, address, place of residence, e-mail address, telephone number)
  • Health data (e.g. 1st day of illness, Job Capability List, results of the Occupational Health Evaluation). The Processing of Health Data receives specific attention. This data may only be processed insofar as necessary for the proper implementation of statutory regulations or for reintegration or guidance of the Person involved in connection with illness or incapacity for work.
  • Track programme information. During the course of a programme, information is collected from assessments, tests and coaching interviews and incorporated into progress reports.
  • Account details (e.g. username and password)
  • Marketing preferences (e.g. whether you subscribed or unsubscribed to the newsletter)
  • Interaction data (e.g. your contact with customer service or digital and/or written correspondence)
  • Payment details (e.g. if you purchase a track programme from us yourself instead of your employer as is normally the case)

For more detailed information, please click on 'more details'. We receive the categories of Personal Data described above both directly from you, and through third parties to the extent consistent with the law.

Personal data you provide directly to us

This may include:

  • Personal data provided on an application form in the context of (one of) the mobility programmes reintegration, outplacement or career coaching.
  • Personal data you provide when you have an interview with Amplooi as part of (one of) the reintegration mobility programmes. This includes Personal Data that forms part of the Occupational advisory report and/or FML/AML and/or UWV expert opinion.
  • Personal data you provide at the time of creating an account and/or other information you enter and provide via the e-coaching module Amplooi Direct.
  • Personal data you provide when you take an assessment or test and access the vacancy database.
  • Personal data you provide as a result of your browsing behaviour on our website
  • Personal data you provide in the context of ( among other things) correspondence, feedback, help (Q&A), dispute resolution, satisfaction surveys, etc..

Personal Data about others that you provide directly to us

You may share the Personal Data of other persons with us. For example, the address or contact details of others. We draw your attention to the fact that it is your own responsibility to check whether these persons agree to a Disclosure of their Personal Data to Amplooi.

Personal data we receive from third parties

Among other things, we may receive additional Personal Data, such as via social media websites or third-party services, think of the Job Possibilities List or the Occupational advisory report , UWV expert opinion via the Occupational Health Service, Occupational health expert or the employer to the extent that this is in line with the law, for example because you have given your consent to do so.

For what purposes do we process your Personal Data?

Our work mainly focuses on advising and supporting our Clients in mobility programmes Reintegration, Outplacement or Career Coaching. We aim to help sick employees (or Persons Involved) of our Clients return to their own work or find other work that matches their knowledge, skills and abilities. In doing so, we can support Involved Persons with coaching, a vocational test, job interview training, education and courses, among other things.
We collect and process Personal Data for the purposes of executing the agreement(s) made with you and with our Clients, administration, communication, marketing and to comply with legal obligations.
For carrying out quality and management purposes, we use anonymous data as much as possible and therefore do not use Personal Data. For more detailed information, click on 'more details'.

We use the lead generation service of Leadinfo B.V., Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The tool recognises company visits to our website based on IP addresses and shows us publicly available information, such as company names or addresses. In addition, Leadinfo posts two first-party cookies, to evaluate user behaviour on our website and the tool processes domains from form entries (e.g. "") to correlate IP addresses with companies and improve services. More information is available at
On this page: you have an opt-out option. If you opt out, your data will no longer be recorded by Leadinfo.
For more detailed information, click on 'more details'. The various purposes, as described above, are described in more detail below. We will not further process your Personal Data in a manner incompatible with the purposes for which it was obtained.

In the context of an agreement.

For the preparation, conclusion, execution and possible termination of the agreement(s) between you and your employer. The agreements we conclude mainly concern agreements within the framework of the mobility programmes reintegration, outplacement and career coaching. The documentation required under the Dutch 'Wet verbetering Poortwachter' (Permanent Incapacity Benefit (Restriction) Act) is also part of these agreements.


For the execution and control of the administration of Amplooi in a wider context.

Communication, marketing and personalisation purposes.

For the purpose of carrying out customer service, making offers (possibly personalised), and/or providing and exchanging information on Amplooi's activities.

Quality and management purposes.

To investigate and improve the quality of services, processes and systems, to inform management and to provide (or commission) (internal) audits.

Laws and regulations.

For identification, prevention of fraud, ensuring internal control and corporate security and compliance with laws and regulations.

On what legal foundations do we base the processing(s) of your personal data?

The law contains an exhaustive list of bases justifying the Processing of your Personal Data. We invoke three of these legal bases. Namely, our processing(s) of your Personal Data is done in performance of an agreement, and/or on the basis of a legitimate interest of Amplooi and/or on the basis of your Consent. For more detailed information, click on 'more details'.

Execution of the agreement.

We use your Personal Data to perform the agreement Amplooi has with your employer.

Legitimate interest.

We also use your Personal Data for Amplooi's legitimate interests. You can read more about our legitimate interests under the following heading.


We may use your Personal Data for certain marketing activities with your Consent. You can, of course, withdraw your consent at any time. Under the heading 'Can you later withdraw your consent?' you can read how to do this.

What is Amplooi's legitimate interest in processing your personal data?

The Processing of your Personal Data is necessary to maintain a good relationship between Amplooi and our clients, or to represent our own reasonable business interests. For example, to inform our clients about new products, services and activities, or to defend our interests in any legal proceedings. For more detailed information, click on 'more details'.
As much as possible, we will apply and add the so-called "opt-out scheme" to our communications. That way, you can easily notify us if you no longer appreciate receiving communications from us. Alternatively, you can of course always contact us for this purpose at

Who do we provide your personal data to?

We may provide your Personal Data to third parties in accordance with this Privacy Statement and the law. To conduct the customer satisfaction survey as required by the Blik op Werk quality mark, we will provide your contact details to Panteia. We are required by some of our clients and by the quality mark to have the customer satisfaction surveys conducted by independent research agency Panteia and have a legitimate interest in doing so. For more detailed information, click on 'more details'.

Personal data may be received by the following categories of recipients:

Group companies.

We may share Personal Data with our group companies to jointly provide content and products and/or services (such as registration and customer support) for a compatible purpose, to assist in the development of products, websites, applications, services, tools and communications, and to prevent, detect and investigate potentially illegal activities, violations of our policies, fraud and/or data security breaches.

Third party(ies)

We may share some of your Personal Data with a third party in the context of a satisfaction survey for the purposes of the Blik op Werk quality mark. We will only share your contact details that are necessary to invite you to take part in the satisfaction survey.


For example, regulators, tax authorities, police and other legal authorities. We may share your personal data:
to comply with legal obligations or a court order; or
if it is necessary to prevent, detect or prosecute criminal offences (such as fraud, deception or prosecution); or
if it is necessary to enforce our policies or protect the rights and freedoms of others.

Business services providers.

For example, a mail order company engaged by us to deliver (confidential) information to you, or an organisation engaged by us to provide customer service.


Any third party for which we have received your Consent to share your Personal Data (e.g. in the context of a cooperation), and/or of which Amplooi is now or in the future part as a result of a reorganisation, merger or acquisition.

Are your personal data processed outside the EU?

No. Your Personal Data will only be processed within the borders of the European Economic Area. All EEA countries must comply with the same rules under the Act, which aims to ensure a consistent level of protection at European level when Processing Personal Data.

How long will your personal data be retained?

Your Personal Data will be deleted when it is no longer necessary for the purposes described above. In addition, Amplooi will in no case keep your Personal Data longer, than permitted by law.
For more detailed information, click on 'more details'.
At the time a retention period expires, your Personal Data will be deleted or its identifying characteristics removed. We have defined the (outer) retention period for each type of Personal Data in our retention period policy and we strive to implement this policy consistently. Should there be a legal retention obligation that exceeds the (outer) retention period formulated by us, the legal retention obligation takes priority.
In the following, we briefly explain the most relevant retention periods.

  • Personal data that we collect in the context of (one of) the mobility programmes Reintegration, Outplacement or Career Coaching, we do not retain for longer than two years after the relevant mobility programme has been completed.
    This is different if these personal data are of fiscal importance* or if, at the end of this period, there is an ongoing dispute/claim/pending limitation period of claims arising from obligations. The relevant data will then be kept (longer) until the moment of settlement or expiry of the dispute/claim/ limitation period in progress.
  • Personal data that we collect from our employees as part of an employment contract, we do not in principle retain for longer than two years after the employment with the employee concerned has ended.
    This is different if these personal data are of fiscal importance* or if, at the end of this period, there is an ongoing dispute/claim/pending limitation period of claims arising from obligations. The relevant data will then be kept (longer) until the moment of settlement or expiry of the dispute/claim/ limitation period in progress.

*Personal data on, for example, invoices, pay slips, an employment contract and other documents from our records that are of tax importance, we keep at least seven years from the first financial year after the end of the financial year in which the invoice was paid;

How to manage your personal data?

You have the right to access, rectify and/or delete the collection of your Personal Data by us. In addition, you can invoke your following rights with us: the right to restrict your Personal Data processing, the right to the portability of your Personal Data and the right to object. Below you will read where and how you can exercise these rights. In addition, you will read about the time limits, costs and other relevant information related to exercising your rights. Please note that we may request additional information to verify your identity.
For more detailed information, please click on 'more details'..


We will normally respond to your request to exercise your right(s) within one calendar month. If we do not meet this one calendar month deadline, we will notify you of the reason for the delay within the same month. We may extend our response time by two calendar months, provided we can justify this on the basis of complexity of your request(s) and/or the number of requests from you.


In principle, we provide the requested information free of charge and respond to the exercise of your right(s) free of charge. Follow-up requests may incur administrative costs in some cases. This is the case, for example, when you request multiple copies.

Refusal to co-operate with your request

We only refuse a request in very exceptional cases: if the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.
A request is manifestly unfounded if the prerequisites for a request are not met, or if you request information outside the law of the AVG. Think of a request for access to Personal Data of another person. A request is excessive if a very disproportionate burden is placed on us, for example when requesting your files on a weekly basis. We have the burden of proof to show that a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.

Your right to access, rectify and/or delete Personal Data

If you wish to access your overall Personal data processing and/or wish to rectify or delete data (to the extent permissible), please contact
We will correct or delete your Personal Data if your Personal Data is factually inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant for the purpose of Processing or has otherwise been processed in violation of a legal requirement. The right to erase or have erased Personal Data is not an absolute right. In each case, we weigh the request to erase data against other (fundamental) rights and interests.
We will notify Third Parties to whom this data has been provided of any rectification, erasure of Personal Data or restriction. We do not need to notify these parties if this proves impossible, or would require a disproportionate effort (in terms of cost and time). You may request from us a statement of the person(s) to whom we have made this communication.

Your right to restriction of processing, right to transferability of Personal Data

To exercise your right to limit your Personal Data processing and the right to transferability of your Personal Data, you may also address your request to
The right to restrict Personal Data can be interpreted as marking stored Personal Data with the aim of restricting its Processing in the future. In short, the Processing of Personal Data is temporarily frozen until an objection or dispute is resolved.
We will only process this Personal Data during the restriction …:
…with your permission;
… for the institution, exercise or support of legal proceedings;
… to protect the rights of others or for important reasons of general interest for the European Union or for a Member State.
The right to transferability gives you the right to obtain your Personal Data that you have provided to us, and then transfer the Personal Data to another Controller (other than Amplooi). This right only applies where the Processing is based on your Consent (express or otherwise) or necessity for the performance of a contract.

Your rights to object

To exercise your right to object, you can also contact
You can exercise your right to object in three cases:

  • First of all, you may object to Processing with us due to your personal circumstances. The Processing must then be based on the pursuit of the legitimate interest of us or of a Third Party to whom the data is disclosed. We will discontinue the Processing unless there are compelling legitimate grounds as a result of which our processing interest outweighs your interest in having the Processing discontinued.
  • Secondly, you may object to the Processing of your Personal Data for the purpose of direct marketing. We will always comply with such a request.
  • Thirdly, you may object to the Processing of your data for scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes on grounds specifically related to your situation. We will always comply with such an objection.

Can you later withdraw your consent?

If you have consented to a particular Processing of your Personal Data, you can withdraw this Consent at any time. Please note that the withdrawal of your Consent does not have retroactive effect and that withdrawing Consent is only possible if you have first given Consent.
For more detailed information, please click on 'more details'. You can notify the withdrawal of your Consent at

Can you file a complaint?

You can file a complaint with the Personal Data Authority if you have a complaint about Amplooi's use of your Personal Data. For example, because you feel that we do not handle your Personal Data with care, or because you have requested inspection or rectification of your Personal Data, but you are not satisfied with our response.
For more detailed information, click on 'more details'. You can submit your complaints to the Personal Data Authority via the website

Are you obliged to provide personal data to us and what if you do not want to provide personal data?

For Amplooi, your provision of Personal Data is necessary in some cases. For example, in order to implement a mobility programme or provide a service. Information fields not marked with an * request Personal Data whose provision is not necessary.
For more detailed information, click on 'more details'..

How does Amplooi deploy the use of profiling?

We do not use profiling and/or other automated decision-making.

When was this Privacy Statement last amended?

This Privacy Statement was last amended on and effective 22 December 2021.

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